Ask most men whether tattoos on women are sexy or not and you will get a mixture of answers. It is certainly not as easy as getting a yes or no answer. In reality, you are either for tattoos or you are not. If you are, then whether or not they are sexy will depend upon a couple of important factors. First, are they appropriate for the person involved? And second, are they partly hidden and discreet leaving something for the imagination? Research done on this topic indicates that most men are more likely to be turned on by an elegant, well placed tattoo rather than an endless display of “body” art where it is hard to see any untouched skin at all. A perfect example of this is seeing someone as elegant as Angelina Jolie and the tasteful and sexy way she has gone about the process of being tattooed.
Given that, if you are going to get yourself a sexy tattoo, do your homework and find a design that suits you. We are all different and what suits one person may not suit another. The design is extremely important and there is no shortage of sexy tattoos for women out there, it is just a matter of finding that one simple elegant tattoo that will look sexy on your body and is yours and yours alone.
Most Popular Sexy Tattoos for Women.
Flowers – While some consider flower tattoos to be “old hat”, they seem to be making somewhat of a revival in the popularity stakes. Ideal for your first tattoo as they are the epitome of femininity and sexiness. There are any number of flower options from roses (red, white or pink) and rosebuds through to Cherry blossoms (great with an elegant Japanese tattoo), lilies and even orchids. In fact, as far as flowers are concerned, you are only limited by your imagination and what is important for you. Each flower has its own meaning which is great if you are looking for something of significance in your life.
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